
First, a happy (?) International Disabled Persons Day to anyone who might be taking part. I've met a ton of amazing disabled people online since I started doing this, and I feel incredibly lucky to have been taken in, of a sort. I don't consider my case of Tourette's to be a disability, but one thing I've learned is that you just never know what a person is dealing with inside his head.

I have developed no talent for segways.

I've been thinking about tic suppression a lot lately. Mostly, I've been wondering if when I'm feeling like I'm having a good tic day, if that's actually a good tic day or if my brain is doing a really good job of subconsciously suppressing them. Is that even a worthwhile differentiation? I know that I can tamp down my right middle finger tic, and also once I realize I'm ticcing pretty consistently, I can bring them under control for at least a little while. I think people with TS develop sort of social survival mechanisms, and subconscious tic suppression is a pretty key one.


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